Sunday, 6 November 2022

Brazil to Canada to Study and Tour

 Brazil to Canada to Study and Tour

Map of Rio de Janeiro, Braslia, Manaus, Amazon, Amazonia, Boa Vista, Rio Branca, Salvador, Soa Paulo, Porto Alegra, Vitoria, Campo Grande, Santos, Recife, Natal, Belem, Fortaleza, Fortecelo, Brasil, South America

Brazilian Embassy in Canada
450 Wilbrod Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6M8
TEL: (613) 237-1090 or (613) 755-5160
Fax: (613) 237-6144

Consulate General of Brazil in Toronto
77 Bloor Street West
Suites 1109 and 1105
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M2
TEL:(416) 922-2503
Fax. (416) 922-1832

Canadian Representation in Brazil

Canadian Embassy
SES - Av. das Naaes, Quadra
803, Lote 16
70410-900 Brasalia DF - Brazil
Telephone: (0XX61) 424-5400
Fax: (0XX61) 424-5490

Rio de Janeiro
Canadian Consulate General
Av. Atlantica, 1130 - 5 andar
Atlantica Business Center
22021-000 Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Telephone: (0 21) 2543-3004
Fax: (0 21) 2275-2195

Sao Paulo
Canadian Consulate General
Av. das Naaes Unidas,
12901 - 16 andar,
04578-000 - Sao Paulo,
SP - Brazil
Telephone: (55 11) 5509-4343
Fax: (55 11) 5509-4262

Link to Canada Embassy in Brazil

How can I come to Canada as a visitor, worker or student?

Citizenship and Immigration Canada has created an online tool called Come to Canada.

This CIC tool will help you figure out whether you can come to Canada as an immigrant, visitor, worker or student.

This CIC tool will help you understand the requirements for immigrating to, visiting, studying in or working in Canada.

This CIC tool guides you through some questions and based on your responses and your situation and provides a list of options and step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

For additional CIC information use this link

Study Work Live Retire in Canada

Study Work Live Retire in Canada is an information blog that will cover immigration topics, provide web resources information articles, how to immigrate tips, who to contact, what to prepare, how to start, what to expect, English language training requirements and job training and how to get a job as an immigrant in Canada.

Email any questions to ESL in Canada:

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List of education blogs below the posts.

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